Hey Everyone,
Today’s post will be a book haul post. Now these will be
books that I got so far this month. I labeled this part one of the book haul,
because with my birthday coming up I’m pretty sure I will be getting more books
towards the end of the month. So let’s get started:
1. Bad Girls Don’t Die by Katie Alender
2. Please Ignore Vera Dietz by A. S. King
3. A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
4. (Free) Pride & Prejudice & Zombies by Jane
Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith
5. (Free ARC swap) Son by Lois Lowry (Swapped with Sue
Moro and my copy of Outpost)
6. (ARC) Fifth Grave past the Light by Daryanda Jones
(Sent from St. Martin’s Press)
7. Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry
8. Messenger by Lois Lowry
9. Alaska Quarterly Review Spring/Summer 2013 issue
10. The Elite by Kiera Cass (Bought actually in the tail
end of April)
11. (ARC) Phoenix by Elizabeth Richards
12. Far Far Away by Tom NcNeal
13. Life After Theft by Aprilynne Pike
14. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the
Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
15. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
16. Second Grave on the Left by Daryanda Jones
17. Harken by Kaleb Nation (my name is in the
Acknowledgements section)

Until next time, Happy Reading!
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